
Responsible for the content

PuroFiber GmbH
Trientlgasse 65
6020 Innsbruck

+43 664 352 41 52

VAT number: ATU72731608
FB number: FN481082z
Place of jurisdiction: Regional Court of Innsbruck
Legal form: GmbH

Authority according to ECG: District Authority Innsbruck

Management: Mag. Eberhard Reisigl, Markus Ploier
Investments: Mag. Eberhard Reisigl (36%), Markus Ploier (36%), Ing. Horst Stadlmayr MBA (28%)
Editorial policy: Presentation and sale of our products
Business purpose: Distribution of PuroFiber products

Contents of our website
Although we are constantly developing our website and are striving to keep all information up to date, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness and completeness of all content on this website. If you notice any incorrect or problematic content, please contact us. The further use and/or reproduction of all or individual content as well as the display of this website in frames requires written permission.

Links on our website
The respective operator/webmaster of the respective site is solely responsible for all links that lead to other websites. We are not liable for these links in accordance with Section 17 ECG, as we have no knowledge of any illegal activities. If you nevertheless notice an illegal link, please report it to us so that we can remove it as quickly as possible.


Experience the change with our pioneering products for a clean home! we have fundamentally changed the traditional way of cleaning. Our products help to keep every household safe and clean.
